Fraction Neural Representation In Human Parietal Cortex:
Format-dependent magnitude encoding

Research Question

Fraction Comparison Task

Fraction could take different formats: either symbolic or non-symbolic.

Format-dependent or
Format-Independent Representations?

Question: IPS encodes the numeric value of fraction of all formats, but are they encoded in the same way?


Representational Disimmilarity Matrices (RDMs)

RDMs represent the interrelationship between fractions with different formats and values based on research hypotheses (conceptual RDMs) or empirical fMRI data (neural RDMs).

*Note that the log-abosolute magnitude model (log-A) resembles the neural data in IPSs.

Construct Format-dependent representation models:
Mixing Magnitude Models with Format RDMs

Mixing a magnitude RDM with a format RDM to produce a format-dependent magnitude RDM.

*Note that the hybrid model (e.g., GxA-6) resembles the neural data in IPSs better than the pure magnitude model log-A above.

Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) dipicts the distances between RDMs.

Click the buttons to see each group's MDS. (*Note that the hybrid models are closer to IPS neural RDMs)

Research Results support
the Format-dependent Representation of fraction numeric value

Relatedness Test Result

Relatedness test result shows that the format-dependent models could better explain the neural IPS RDMs than format-independent models.

Developmental Trend

Adults’s IPSs are more sensitive to the abstract magnitude information and is less format-dependent.